Asiri Marketing International: European Projects

At Asiri Marketing we are committed to innovation and sustainable development. For more than 12 years we have worked to create digital strategies to promote tourist destinations and it is time to go a step further, betting on a new line of work to promote the digital and ecological transformation of tourism.

At Asiri Marketing we not only understand the importance of sustainability, but we are also actively involved in projects funded by the European Commission that promote responsible and ecological practices, thus contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Why should you count on Asiri Marketing as a strategic partner?

More than 12 years of experience support us as digital marketing specialists. We are familiar with the guidelines set by Europe, the funding programmes and the importance of visibility and dissemination of European projects, as part of a strategy of transnational collaboration between member countries and third countries.

The importance of a communication agency in European projects

According to the European Commission itself, the effective dissemination of European projects is essential to maximise their impact and ensure transparency in the use of European Union funds.

A well-planned communication strategy informs the public about the project’s objectives, progress and results , encouraging community participation and support. In addition, it is essential to recognise and make visible EU funding, using the European emblem correctly and mentioning the support received, as detailed in the official guidelines.

Failure to comply with these obligations may lead to reductions in the funding provided. It is therefore crucial that beneficiaries of European funds develop and implement communication plans that comply with these requirements, ensuring adequate dissemination and visibility of the funded actions.

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Proposal of Work in European Projects

Reasons to count on Asiri Marketing

The main reason for choosing Asiri Marketing as a partner in European projects is our experience and knowing what has worked for us over the years we have been working in tourism.

At Asiri Marketing we are experts in tourism, we work on a permanent review and analysis process. It is a process of continuous learning and testing. The ideal of our work is based on the knowledge acquired and on daily work with tourism businesses and tourist destinations.

To implement a correct Marketing strategy for tourist agents we need a permanent flow of qualitative and quantitative information that allows us to make good decisions. So we consider ourselves prepared to be a good partner in European projects, with experience and a professional and committed work team.

What are our strengths as a European partner?


Custom website design: in all project languages ​​and constantly updated according to project needs

Brand Design

Creation of a unique and coherent visual identity that encompasses the creation of visual elements such as logos, color palettes, fonts and other graphic components that represent the personality and values ​​of the project

Dissemination Strategy

Social media accounts and planning informative articles on the progress of the project

Analysis of Results

Writing the final report with a compilation of the dissemination of the project by the partners and its impact

Why Asiri Marketing can be a strategic partner for European projects?

Throughout our career we have participated in various European projects that seek to promote the strategic lines of the European Union such as inclusion and diversity, digital transformation or the environment and the fight against climate change, all aligned with the European Green Deal.

With more than 12 years in the tourism sector, Asiri Marketing has demonstrated its capacity in digital marketing and its commitment to the green and digital transformation of micro, small and medium-sized tourism companies.

Commitment to sustainability: Our experience in developing digital projects and commitment to sustainability make us an ideal strategic partner for European initiatives that seek to combine technological innovation and environmental and tourism responsibility.

The experience of participating in these projects allows us to work in a network with other European organisations, exchanging knowledge and experiences to meet the current challenges of the sector. This international collaboration reinforces our commitment to developing a more responsible and sustainable future.

Initiatives such as collaboration in projects such as "Huella Positiva" by Turismo de Navarra or the Cabo Ortegal Geopark by Turismo de Galicia, seek from our company to create a positive impact on the environment and local communities, aligning with the sustainability objectives of the European Union.

Asiri Marketing's multidisciplinary team is made up of professionals specialized in various areas of digital marketing, education, tourism and data, which allows them to offer comprehensive solutions adapted to the specific needs of each project.

Asiri Marketing is committed to developing digital projects and validating different business models, demonstrating its ability to adapt to market needs and offer innovative solutions.

We are actively participating in the European TOURBO project. This initiative, funded by the European Commission, aims primarily to help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism sector to adopt green and digital transformation strategies.

4 final reasons to include Asiri Marketing in the European consortium


Spain has sunshine, let's not forget that there are partner meetings to be held and... what better way to do it than in a place with good weather?


We are experts in tourism. We all know that after work we have to enjoy ourselves… and as our slogan says: Tourism is the people


A beautiful team. At Asiri Marketing we are characterized by having beautiful professionals, both in terms of work experience and personality.


Free time is important. If there is one thing we like at Asiri, it is to enjoy free time. And our mantra is: Work, rest and good food.

Contact the projects department

  • We are open to national and international collaborations.
  • Any project proposal will be studied in detail by our team.
  • We are a multidisciplinary team so we will always have proposals and solutions to problems.
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Some of the projects we have collaborated with:

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Formación: Inbound Marketing

Del 18 de Marzo al 3 de Abril apúntate al curso de Diseño de estrategias de Inbound Marketing para negocios turísticos busca aportar conocimiento entorno a las estrategias y herramientas actuales del marketing digital que trabajamos con la uned.